Donate to Safe Haven Humane Society with PayPal


Safe Haven Humane Society and its services are made available through the generosity of people like you. Your donations directly support our goals to increase animal adoptions, spay and neuter our foster pets and provide other needed vet care, advocate responsible pet ownership, and eliminate unnecessary euthanasia.

We greatly appreciate your contribution.


Make a one-time donation with PayPal:

You can also make recurring, monthly donations to SHHS through PayPal. Just select which donation level you'd like to give to SHHS, and PayPal will deduct that amount each month from your credit or debit card. You may also use your own PayPal account if you'd like, and set up your own monthly payments in an amount different from those listed below.

Make a recurring donation with PayPal:  

Donation Levels


Safe Haven Humane Society
P.O. Box 55, Ionia, MI 48846
Phone: 616-522-1611
Fax: 517-579-5948